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Science Latest General Knowledge Test 3

 Science Latest General Knowledge Test 3

Which metal prevents the rusting of iron?
A. Silver
B. Copper
C. Zinc
D. Aluminum

Which of the following is fossil fuel?
A. Wax
B. Wood
C. Petroleum
D. Biodiesel

Why does sky appear blue?
A. In white light the blue component dominates
B. It is actually blue
C. All colors interfere to produce blue
D. The atmosphere scatters blue color more than the other colors

Who discovered x-rays?
A. Orsted
B. Rontgen
C. Henry Becquerel
D. Einstein

Green Vitriol is _____.
A. Potassium Sulphate
B. Ferrous Sulphate
C. Copper Sulphate
D. Alluminium Sulphate