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Science Latest General Knowledge Test 1

Science General Knowledge Questions and Answers Part 1

What is Ornithology?
A. Study of Bones
B. Study of earth
C. Study of Birds
D. None of the above

What does hygrometer measure?
A. Relative density of liquids
B. Relative humidity
C. The water flow of a river
D. None of the above

To which class does the disease Filariasis belong?
A. Communicable diseases
B. Endemic diseases
C. Epidemic diseases
D. Pandemic diseases

What harms the natural microbial flora?
A. Compost
B. Organic farming
C. Chemical fertilizers
D. Irrigation

Unit of intensity of sound is ____
A. Metre/sec.
B. Decibel (dB)
C. Watt
D. Hertz

1 horsepower =
A. 276 watt
B. 746 watt
C. 467 watt
D. 674 watt

The modern periodic table based on ___
A. The Atomic number of elements
B. The presence of triads of elements
C. The principal of octaves
D. The atomic mass of elements

What is the S.I. unit of frequency?
A. Hertz
B. Joule
C. Watt
D. Newton